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Help build a hospital...

Share Christ's love.

...because nobody should die
without knowing the love of Christ

One-third of the world’s communities are still waiting to experience Christ’s love for the first time.
The majority of them live and die in Africa and Asia.
Your donation can help provide Christ-inspired medical care.

Find Out How

K.P. Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan)


Our Church-Centred Ministries

Today’s children are the future, but many come from impoverished families struggling to survive. GFA World provides education and resources to help give them the brightest future possible.

Hundreds of millions of people live in extreme poverty, plagued with hunger and diseases. GFA World distributes income generating gifts as well as relief from natural disasters.

In many cultures, widows are mistreated and marginalized. GFA World provides essentials like food, clothing and shelter, all while relaying God’s hope in their desperate situations.

Most of the world doesn’t have access to a clean water source. GFA World delivers safe, disease-free water to hundreds of families.

Some of the most common diseases are preventable, but many people die because they don’t have access to medical care. GFA World provides free care to those in need, all while demonstrating the love of Christ.

Billions of people have never heard the name of Jesus. GFA World sends out national missionaries in Africa and Asia to share the love of Christ in a world still waiting to hear.

“For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?
And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?
And how shall they hear without a preacher?
And how shall they preach unless they are sent?

—Romans 10:13-15