April 29, 2020
Serving the Hungry During Holy Week
From April 5 until April 12, millions of people around the world would have been worshipping in their churches in commemoration of Holy Week. But this year, the COVID-19 pandemic prevented believers from gathering for services.
While the COVID-19 pandemic may have suspended many Easter traditions this year, GFA-supported workers in Asia remembered Christ by illustrating His love to their communities. Throughout the week, believers in various regions fed people who cannot work during the lockdown, while complying with government regulations.
Bags of Groceries, Warm Meals and Answered Prayers
On Monday, April 6, churches in Sikkim, India, worked with the local government and police to provide staple grocery items and face masks to 300 families that were struggling to afford one daily meal.
“We were in deep distress for the last few days. Now we can survive for another week with this rice and some vegetables,” shared one grateful recipient.
On April 7 and April 8, a GFA-supported pastor in Karnataka and his congregation prepared a hot meal and served it to people who live on the streets or beg for a living.
“I was feeling so tired because I did not eat food,” one woman told the team. “I was asking God to give me food. [To] my surprise, I got the food from the church after one hour of my prayer.”
On Saturday, April 11, regional church leaders and staff members in Delhi worked with local police to provide groceries to 54 families living in a slum. Many of these families were migrant labourers from other states, but the pandemic prevented them from working and providing basic necessities for their families.
“Due to lockdown, our contractor disappeared without even paying our money,” said one recipient. “We are now homeless and in a helpless situation. We are struggling for food and cannot even go back to our hometown. The help we received today from the church is a great relief. We do not have words to express our gratitude. You are not related to us, yet you have helped us in the time of our need. God bless you all.”

A Gift of Hope on Easter
On Resurrection Sunday, Bridge of Hope staff members in Uttarakhand rejoiced by sharing the love of the risen Lord with a hungry community.
Chahel, a social worker from the centre, had visited the store one day to buy items for his family. Along the way he spoke with people from the community surrounding the Bridge of Hope centre and asked them how the lockdown was affecting their lives. He learned that people had no food and were surviving off only water. Filled with concern, Chahel decided to help.
On Easter Sunday, he met with a local government official to ask if he could distribute food in the area. Excited that someone wanted to help the people, the official granted permission and advised Chahel to take necessary health precautions. Chahel contacted the other Bridge of Hope staff members and asked if they would join him. Together, they cooked potato curry and puri (flatbread) and assembled 90 meal packets.
The staff members then went door to door, greeting hungry people with warm meals.
“We are in need of food to survive,” one woman told the staff. “We praise God that still there is hope for us when we see this kind of compassionate people think about the poor.”
As people opened their doors to receive the packets of food, a message of hope from the resurrected Christ shined forth.
Please continue to pray Christ’s love will bring healing and hope during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Pray for healing for those sick with COVID-19.
- Pray for the eradication of COVID-19.
- Pray ministry efforts will continue to have support and favour from government leaders.
- Pray for provision, wisdom and protection for believers to continue providing aid effectively
- Pray God’s grace will transform the hearts and lives of those who receive help.