Church Building

Fledgling congregations often lack a permanent structure to use for worship services, which exposes them to a host of problems. Their meetings—and ministries—are also hindered simply because they do not have space to gather as a church family. Your gift helps us to build and repair buildings. Even a gift of $80 can help provide decades of safer worship; with others sharing the cost, a church can be built!

A place of worship:

  • Testifies to the local community of the Lord’s presence and the credibility and stability of the local congregation.
  • Protects believers from outside dangers during worship services.
  • Offers a safe, welcoming location for visitors from any background who want to learn about Jesus.
  • Serves as a center for relief distributions during times of crisis.
  • Frees believers to worship openly and exuberantly without worrying about disturbing their landlords or neighbours.
  • Shelters believers from heavy rain and intense summer heat.

How Your Donations Are Applied

We value your donation and are committed to good stewardship of the funds entrusted to us by our friends and donors. All gift options represent GFA’s actual ministry efforts to meet the diverse needs of individuals and communities. Regardless of particular preferences, monies are raised for ministry purposes, and GFA retains discretion to use donated funds in any manner that serves GFA’s charitable objectives.

Are you from the United States?

If you would like to sponsor, donate or make a store purchase, please visit our US office page.

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