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Serve in a community devoted to God and passionate about missions. This 3-6-month program gives you a real experience of what it is like to be a behind-the-scenes missionary as you join the staff at GFA World in worship, prayer, work, and life together.
See if this is where you want to invest your life long-term. Or, simply be equipped to serve the Lord in any capacity with a heart for the lost world and a life of prayer and devotion.
Work hours are Monday and Wednesday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Tuesdays are reserved for book studies, fellowship with other participants, meeting with mentors and prayer meetings. You will be assigned a department to serve in, such as Communications, IT or Facilities. Use the skills God has already given you or learn new skills to serve His Kingdom.
You will stay in single-family homes in our community with other ministry apprentices and staff. You get an authentic experience of community: enjoying fellowship meals, group activities and just “doing life together”. It is possible to walk to the office and church.
Tuesday night prayer meetings have been going on at GFA World since its inception more than 40 years ago. Join a tradition that spans the globe as all GFA World offices participate in this practice. There are also late-night prayer meetings the first Friday of every month and daily hours of prayer where we gather for 10 minutes three times a day. Sunday mornings attend Believer’s Eastern Church at the office and get a glimpse of the churches on the mission field!
There is no financial cost to you to participate in GFA World’s Ministry Apprenticeship. As Jesus said in Matthew 10:10, “the worker is worthy of his support.” Housing and utilities are provided during your stay, along with a small stipend to provide for your food and other personal expenses. The Canadian office is situated in an urban area with access to good transit services. Many grocery stores and amenities are within reasonable walking distance. If it is feasible, you are welcome to bring your own vehicle.
Through my time at GFA, I have been challenged to use my gifts for the glory of God and to grow in Him daily.
I believe I’ve experienced more growth as a believer during my time here than in the four years before I came. The Lord has a unique atmosphere of godly people here. … Never have I been certain that I was in the will of God until this year.
God has used my time at GFA to ignite my heart with a burning passion . . . and I have the privilege of serving with a body of believers who have one mind and one focus: knowing Christ and making Him known.