Pray for the Rwanda Hospital

Africa is home to over 1.2 billion people, and millions suffer from deadly diseases because of a lack of medical care.1 The country of Rwanda is working to provide its people with access to healthcare—but with a population of more than 14 million and only about 1,500 doctors, access to medical help can still be a challenge.2,3 GFA World is currently building a medical college hospital that will become the second major hospital in Rwanda. By the grace of God, this will become a base from which trained medical professionals can serve in Rwanda and surrounding countries, spreading the care and hope of the Great Physician around the northern half of the continent. Much like our hospital in Asia, this new hospital will be a place where people both receive medical care and hear of the God who loves them.

Please join us in praying this month for GFA’s Rwanda hospital.

"Africa Population (LIVE).” Worldometer. Accessed June 22, 2024.

“Countries in the world by population (2024).” Updated on July 16, 2023.

"Response to the East African Article on Rwanda’s Maternal Mortality Rates.” MOH. Accessed June 2024.

Pray for People in Africa Who Need Medical Care

For millions of people in Africa, basic amenities that most of us take for granted remain scarce or cost prohibitive. Food, sanitation, electricity and medicine may be unattainable. Many individuals have no choice but to endure diseases that are easily treated and largely preventable because the cost of medical care or the difficulties in reaching a medical facility are insurmountable. GFA World’s new hospital is being built on the outskirts of Rwanda’s capital, Kigali, and will provide services to many patients from surrounding African countries, such as Burundi, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda and Chad, all of whom will be welcomed with warmth and compassionate care.

Pray for those who are sick in Africa. Pray God will provide the care they need and that this hospital will be part of that provision. Ask that the hospital will be an immense blessing beyond Rwanda and into the surrounding nations.

Pray for Construction

The hospital is under construction and has been steadily progressing toward its projected opening in 2025. Construction crews are diligently working on this massive building. Initially, it will have 300 beds and will house state-of-the-art equipment to provide quality care to anyone who needs it.

Pray for the building process. Ask for God’s protection over construction crews. Pray for progress to remain on schedule.

Pray for Resources

We have the passion, the purpose and the plan. But we still need the remaining resources. We are only able to take on such a God-sized project because of the people who come alongside and partner with us, both financially and in prayer. We rely on God for His provision, and we know that “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).

Pray for God’s provision. Pray for many believers to find joy in partnering with us on this unique project, giving with enthusiasm to propel the completion of construction.

Pray for Staff

Completion of the hospital is scheduled for next year. As completion approaches, we will be hiring the staff required for the hospital to open. Because it takes so many nurses, doctors, pharmacists and other medical professionals to run a hospital, staff will most likely be drawn from countries around the globe. No matter where they come from, these men and women need to have both the skills and the heart to love everyone who comes through the hospital’s doors.

Pray God will handpick just the right medical professionals to staff the hospital. Pray these men and women will have His heart for the people they will be serving. Pray God shows us how to reach out to potential staff and that they will be led to apply for hospital positions.

  Print these prayer requests out for your convenience.

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