Sponsor missionaries eager to go to villages needing to know God’s love

GFA World missionaries are hand-picked and trained to minister the love of Christ in Asia and Africa. Thousands of new fellowships have started as a result. You can support the work of national missions and enable villages to experience Christ and all He has done for them.

By sponsoring national missions, you will:

  • Make it possible for people who have never heard about Jesus to hear how much He loves them.
  • Enable men and women to minister in areas that may be restricted or closed to Western missions.
  • Serve the people of Asia and Africa by providing national workers with the resources they need to show Christ’s love to those around them.
  • Partner with an organization that has more than 30 years experience ministering in Asia and Africa through national missionaries.

Each national worker is a man or woman who already lives in Asia and Africa. In preparation for ministry, they go through three years of intensive ministry training. The following advantages make them ideal to minister throughout Asia and Africa:

  • They move freely in areas restricted to outsiders and are usually accepted in the communities.
  • They know the cultural taboos instinctively.
  • They have already mastered the language or can easily learn a related dialect.
  • They live in the community, eating the same food, wearing the same clothes and sharing the same cultural interests as the local people.
  • They have a passion and burden to serve their own people.

It only takes $45 a month to help enable national workers to serve full time and bring hope that can only be found in Christ to villages needing it.

We have the opportunity to change lives in Asia and Africa. Did you know that around 80,000 people die every day in the 10/40 Window? Some of their lives may end without ever hearing the Good News. We can make a choice today that will forever change the fate of those who have yet to hear.

Sponsor a missionary and bring Christ's love to a village

Sponsor today and for each pledge of $45 to GFA World’s National Missionary Program, you will get a packet that includes the photo and personal information of a missionary you can pray for. You will also receive exclusive updates from the mission field that help you know how to pray for the region where your missionary is serving.

FAQs about Ministry During COVID


Since we can't directly be God's hands and feet in Asia we want to help equip those who are.

Jeremy, TN

My husband and I believe very strongly in the value of your ministry and want to support the sacred calling of sharing the Good News.

Alan and Debra, Canada

I am reading the book Revolution in World Missions and the Lord has called me to support GFA. I also believe enabling nationals to share the gospel is the most efficient way to [share] Christ.

Rod, Canada

I already sponsor one missionary through GFA, but while reading Revolution in World Missions, I felt the burden to sponsor another. This is such a great ministry, and I'm thankful to be a part of it.

Amber, PA

Are you from the United States?

If you would like to sponsor, donate or make a store purchase, please visit our US office page.

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