GFA's clean water ministry is delivering safe, disease-free water to families across Asia through Jesus Wells.
Finding water that will not cause death or illness in the family is a challenge many people in Asia face.
Many women and children are forced to walk hours each day to distant water sources, such as ponds or lakes, and even then the water may be contaminated. Sometimes they know this may bring death and sickness to their families, but they have no other choice.
But the Lord is using Jesus Wells. The water is freely offered to all, regardless of their religious or social backgrounds. Providing safe water is a practical way to show people how much God loves and cares for them, and Jesus Wells can open the door for people to see the love and mercy of Christ.
4.2 billion people across the world lack basic sanitation, including handwashing facilities.3 With COVID-19 running rampant, the World Health Organization has urged people to wash their hands with soap and water to help curb the infection rate.4 But for billions of people, a source of clean water is not available.
“[My relative] complained of stomach pain. He suffered for more than two months, and the problem started to grow even worse. After two months, he passed away because of stomach pain and, I believe … consuming unsafe water.”
—Vimal, villager who prayed for a Jesus Well
Although other water well projects can cost several times as much, GFA is able to support the drilling of a well for only $1900*. Each Jesus Well serves an average of 300 people for about 10 to 20 years, and the wells may be drilled up to 600 feet deep, providing pure water in even the worst droughts. Local labour and materials are used to drill the wells, which keep the costs low.
A Jesus Well provides clean water for up to 300 people per day on average and can last 20 years.
That’s clean water for an entire village for only $1900, or only $5 per person! This life-giving water helps rescue mothers, fathers and children from disease, poverty and death.
Jesus Wells can literally save lives—while showing people the love of God.
$1900 provides a well that produces clean water for an entire community, saving people from waterborne diseases for years. $140 can help 30 people, $700 can help 150 people, and $1400 can help an average of 300 people.
Jesus Wells are a wise investment and we keep the costs low, too. For only $45, you can provide clean water for up to nine people for around 20 years.
What’s the cost of a well?
Salil’s Testimony
“Our family is blessed both physically and spiritually. We are free from problems and sickness. We also met the Living God in due time. It is because of the people who have spent their money to drill a Jesus Well in my place. I have never seen them, but I’m always praying for them. Thank you very much.” —Salil, villager in Asia
1 “Drinking Water Fact Sheet.” World Health Organization. 2019.
2 “Drinking Water Fact Sheet.” World Health Organization. 2019.
3 “Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.” United Nations. UN Water. 2019.
4 “Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Advice for the Public.” World Health Organization. 2020.
BioSand water filters are simple, sturdy and, above all, efficient. Built from concrete and filled with sand, rocks and gravel, these simple structures remove 98 percent of biological impurities.
When water is accessible but dangerous to drink, BioSand water filters enable a family to purify dirty water, making it drinkable and safe to use.
BioSand water filters are perfect solutions for families. Your gift of $40 will provide water that is 98 percent pure.
When clean water is available to these families, they are protected from dangerous illnesses and can live healthier lives.
$40 provides a family in Asia with a clean water source that will keep them from contracting life-threatening waterborne diseases for many years.
We value your donation and are committed to good stewardship of the funds entrusted to us by our friends and donors. All gift options represent GFA’s actual ministry efforts to meet the diverse needs of individuals and communities. Regardless of particular preferences, monies are raised for ministry purposes, and GFA retains discretion to use donated funds in any manner that serves GFA’s charitable objectives.
If you would like to sponsor, donate or make a store purchase, please visit our US office page.