June 15, 2020
GFA Pastor Distributes Masks to the Needy

GFA pastor Ranbir watched as men and women dashed about, attempting to complete their errands for the day. For only two hours a day, residents in one area Madhya Pradesh, India, could leave their homes during the coronavirus lockdown. Daily labourers and farmers depended on these scant hours to earn what little money they could. The majority of these workers, Pastor Ranbir noticed, had no face masks to protect themselves, increasing their risks of becoming infected or spreading the virus.
Wanting to help them, he and his congregation made 220 facemasks to distribute. With a team of believers, Pastor Ranbir visited people in a nearby village, offering masks and health safety tips, such as refraining from physical contact and washing hands frequently.

“We had tried to purchase some masks from the market, but it was not available anywhere,” said one recipient. “We want to thank you for preparing the masks and giving to us freely. It is so thoughtful of you.”
Families Blessed with Dry Goods
When GFA pastor Aakaar, and a member of his congregation, visited a local village in Maharashtra, India, the two saw the plight faced by many families. The lockdown prevented them from working, and in turn earning money for food.
That very day, Pastor Aakaar and the purchased some dry goods, packed them and handed them out to a total of 25 families.
“I and my mother did not have food to eat because my mother could not go for work because of the lockdown,” says Didar, a teenager. “We do not have to worry now because the church is with us in this crisis.”