March 29, 2021
Bringing Relief to More than 16,000
Jesus said people would know His disciples by their love for one another (John 13:34–35). GFA workers have dedicated their lives to showing Christ’s love in practical ways, and their opportunity to do so has been plentiful during the COVID-19 pandemic. Various workers have reached out to help the communities in which they serve every day, aiding neighbours and showing them love in time of need.
In one ministry area, more than 30 workers and believers helped 16,279 people—including women, children and the elderly—through various distributions of essential items.
“This relief work is amazing as we get to help poor people,” said GFA worker Barret. “I could see their happy faces when they were receiving the things from us. They shared about the struggles of their daily life and that they are in need of money.”

Leaders distributed masks and grocery items in partnership with a local government official, who was overjoyed to witness their relief work. One church provided lunch to 75 police officers working the front lines during the COVID-19 crisis. Women’s Fellowship groups and numerous pastors and churches distributed food and other assistance to neighbours in need.
Bridge of Hope centres became food distribution centres, helping needy families within the communities they serve year-round. Within this area alone, Bridge of Hope staff members distributed 700 masks, 120 hand sanitizer bottles, 532 ration kits, 20 water bottles, 13,837 meals and 55 bars of soap.
The items distributed brought much-needed relief.
“These things will be helpful for me to feed my family in this critical situation,” said Sabeen, a distribution recipient.
Relief efforts brought joy to the givers as well.
“I am so happy to be involved in this relief work,” said Jaevin, a GFA worker. “I could see the struggles of poor people for [their] livelihood, and God helped us to help them.”
Encouraging One Another

Church leaders have also been busy encouraging fellow believers during this difficult season. Pastors encouraged believers to pray for each other, the community and the nation. Though they could not gather as a group, believers fasted and conducted prayer chains, praying together through conference calls and other virtual means.
Sisters within the Women’s Fellowships have been encouraged by messages from Gisela Yohannan as well as a conference call from their bishop, admonishing them to continue God’s work faithfully in this critical situation.
Leaders concluded that though people have been struggling for various reasons throughout the pandemic, God has been good to His people. They have drawn closer to Him through prayer and reading God’s Word. God has done great things through His Church, and they are thankful for His grace and blessings upon them and the ongoing ministry.